Sabian Studies

Lewis Carroll's Alice with Commentaries by Marc Edmund Jones

The 1928 commentary of Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, founder of the Sabian Assembly, on Lewis Carroll's classical stories of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass illustrated by John Tenniel. In all, there are twenty-six commentaries (or lessons) on these two works. The full, illustrated text of both of Carroll's works is also presented here for your reference.

Start reading the fascinating Sabian Alice series . . .

Sabian Philosophy

The title of this series not withstanding, it would be difficult to encompass the entirety of Sabian Philosophy within the confines of a few web pages. Technically, the philosophy of Marc Edmund Jones, founder of the Sabian Assembly, is known as Dynamic Idealism. This describes a philosophy that generally follows Platonic thinking in that it recognizes the transcendental underpinnings of reality. Yet it is definitely dynamic or to-be-practiced in the everyday world. Read more . . .

The Cabalistic Screen of Prophecy

A cherished memory stays alive from the very first time I attended a Sabian Study Group in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. many years ago. . . . When I returned home that evening, the title of the Philosophy Lesson set, "Tools of Intelligence," as well as one or two sentences in the lesson, were on my mind with intensity and depth of meaning, giving me a new way to focus for broader understanding and interpretation of my current experiences in the light of a renewed expansion of consciousness. I had just discovered the Cabalistic Screen of Prophecy and its personal relevance. Read the article . . .