Sabian Astrology
Sabian Astrology™ Q&A Corner

The purpose of this column is to provide answers to questions we receive regarding the Sabian system of astrology that was developed by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones and set forth in his many books. Our first Guest Astrologer was the late Delle Fowler Frech, a long-standing member of the Sabian Assembly and practicing Sabian astrologer. New questions will be selected from those we receive and will be answered by other Sabian astrologers. Read the column . . .
What Makes SABIAN ASTROLOGY™ Sabian?
The question,"What makes Sabian astrology Sabian?" was posed to one of our members who practices Sabian Astrology. The answer given by our Sabian astrologer is based on her own personal experience. It is shared here for the benefit of those who have also asked this question. Read more . . .
The Interpretation of a Horoscope

The article that follows is based on a talk Marc Jones gave for "The Guild" in 1942. It was subsequently published in the April issue of "The Astrological Review that same year. The "15 point analysis" set forth in this talk was revised years later and published as a "Sixteen-Point Analysis" in Marc Jones' 1960 book, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis. Read the article . . .
Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks

From the moment I get up in the morning until later in the evening when I like to watch the news on TV, I have very easy music going on, very low, but it doesn't make you feel alone. I am not lonely but am alone and the music helps, very easy music in the background. Occasionally there is the spoken word in between and suddenly I feel my head and my ears all alert because I hear words but I don't know in what respect because I had not been aware before it came to this point. I heard, "The Chinese symbol for CRISIS is the same symbol as for OPPORTUNITY." Read the article . . .
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