The Sabian Assembly
About the Sabian Assembly

The Sabian Assembly is dedicated to the adventure of an increasing mastery of self and the world. Its goal is to help the individual climb to the top of even the most difficult mountain of understanding. Developing an exciting challenge for the mind, so the adventure will be fully appreciated, the Assembly concerns itself with various step-by-step ways to make the ascent to ultimate realization both facile in the accomplishment and progressively rewarding at every point of progress. Read the Sabian Assembly Brochure . . .
Sabian Fortnightly Affirmations

An effective way to use the affirmations is to repeat each one three times in unison with a different emphasis for each repetition. Thus, if the affirmation is "I rely on the healing power of God within me," it may be first, "rely on the healing power of God within me," then, "I rely on the healing power of God within me," and finally, "I rely on the healing power of God within me." Access the Affirmations . . .
Sabian Healing Ritual

Healing is a core element of the Sabian Assembly.
See Sabian Healing Ritual . . .
Blue Letters on Healing

The "Blue Letters" on the topic of healing, so designated because they are issued on blue paper, are included in The Sabian Book of Letters to Aspirants (Sabian Publishing Society, 1973). This special collection was selected from approximately 1200 weekly messages written by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones to students of the Sabian Assembly. They present a unique and thought-provoking, yet highly practical perspective on healing.
The page will be updated monthly. Read the letters . . .
The Sabian Path

This is a special page by Jonas R. Mather that contains a compilation of the philosophy of Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. Condensed versions of the following sections may be found on this page:
• The Man
• The Work
• The Vision
• The Group
• The Lessons
• Health & Spirituality
An Historical Outline of the Word Sabian
"As a word, 'Sabian' comes from the Hebrew 'Sabaoth,' the plural of 'army' as found in the scriptural phrase 'Lord of Hosts' (Romans 9:29), and the Sabian Philosophy is properly to be understood as the study not of the stars, the 'powers' to whom the Sumerian masses transferred the Sabian worship, but the 'potentialities' of all life and all manifestation in all things." See the Historical Outline . . .
Know Thyself Questionnaires

Sabian Activties, Events and Groups
• Learn about the many and varied Sabian Activities . . .
• See upcoming Sabian Events . . .
• See a lising of Local Sabian Study Groups . . .