The Interpretation of a Horoscope
by Marc Edmund Jones
A Note of Explanation
The article that follows is based on a talk Marc Jones gave for "The Guild" in 1942. It was subsequently published in the April issue of "The Astrological Review" that same year.
The Sabian symbols used for this talk were taken from Marc's 1931 mimeograph lesson set on Symbolical Astrology. He later asked that those symbols not be used anymore, after he went back to the original brief notations he took at the time the Sabian symbols were derived in 1925. He published those notes in his classic 1953 work, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Nevertheless, the use of the old symbols is helpful in illustrating how the Sabian symbols can be used to interpret an astrological chart. The Sabian symbols used in this talk are listed at the end of this article in their present and final form.
The chart of Theodore Roosevelt that was used to illustrate his talk is included here below. It is recognized that there are at least several birth times given for Theodore Roosevelt; however, the references to the documentation of Roosevelt's birth time supports the chart given here and in several other of Marc Jones' books.
The "15 point analysis" set forth in this talk was revised years later and published as a "Sixteen-Point Analysis" in Marc Jones' 1960 book, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis.
The Fifteen Most Important Points in a Horoscope Delineation
How to Proceed After Getting an Overview of the ChartMADAME PRESIDENT, MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: As announced in the Guild program, this is not supposed to be a talk in the ordinary sense of the word. The suggestion was made that some of the older members of the Guild, from time to time, simply put a chart on the blackboard, and go through the routine on interpretation as a help to the other and newer members. So this, tonight, is a routine interpretation, picking up the detailed points after a general overview has been gained. As for the preliminary overview, it is impossible to cover the process of general orientation and the procedures of detailed interpretation in one and the same evening. We will start in and take the chart, going through a definite routine point by point.
The fifteen-point method of interpretation is absolutely dependable when we have an exact birth hour. When we proceed, as we are doing tonight, without the preliminary orientation that comes from identifying the pattern of the chart and recognizing some of its characteristics as a whole, a little more skill and care is required, but the testimony of each of the fifteen points is highly accurate. The method of preliminary overview is to help the beginner make sure he is getting off on the right foot in approaching the chart, and to save time for the more skilled professional. Every indication of a horoscope, however, must give its own clear testimony if there is any truth to astrology at all. Otherwise one thing would depend upon another, and that upon another, and so on, without end.
Cuvier once remarked: "Show me a bone and I will identify the animal." I used to laugh at that statement until I took a class in comparative anatomy. The professor greeted me with a grudging cordiality; "What are you, a philosophy major, doing over here on the science side?" "Well," I said, "philosophers have to talk about science sometimes and I want to know what I am talking about." He turned to address the group of us, all but myself on the way to become doctors. "You'll have to work if you want to get A's here," he remarked, and then explained how we could get in the laboratory at night and on Sundays, as well as in working hours. To me he said: "Why don't you hurry through the bones, which will be of little use to you, and put in the extra time on the brain of the shark, ahead of the class?" I followed his suggestion, the net result of which was that I was the first one that year to take the bone examination. This was given individually. We sat down before the bone box, with the idea that I recognize anything he handed me. He began with the longest bone I ever saw. "If it wasn't so big," I said, "I'd identify it as the femur of a bird . . . . I suppose it's some crazy kind of a hybrid." He laughed: "Why don't you stick to your guns? Did you ever hear of an ostrich?"
Astrology duplicates this preposition every day. If you have skill enough you can take any fragment of a chart, and read the life from it. It is far more wonderful than Sherlock Holmes. We used to try our hands at it, literally, taking a torn quarter of a chart, and finding how much we could gather from just that. It all comes down to a question of technique. Everyone must train himself, in some particular and orderly way, to recognize the full significance of every detail. There are only two really efficient ways to read the details in a chart. One is to work from the houses, and the other from the planets. You can also work from the signs but it is not as easy or sure a method. Beginners always used to take the houses, and go round the chart quite completely, bringing out everything about personality first, then money, and so on. A much more effective method is to take the planets in order, because in this case you are reading more dynamically. The houses are created in the heavens by the horizon at the exact time of birth. If you read from the houses you are distributing your horizon, which is a static thing, a foundation. Thus there is a way of greeting, in secret-society work: "Are you on the level?" Astrology goes a step further and says, "On what level are you?" The houses are a distribution of this level, or of your horizon, but it is still a static proposition.
The planets are the dynamic bodies that distribute the forces of actual living and experience, setting up the strains and stresses of life and creating the basic complex in which you have your existence. You live by working against dynamic compulsions, struggling back and forth, interacting with the universe. You and the universe have a partnership in activity. You are shadow-boxing with the universe every minute of your existence. Even your dreams are the shadow-boxing you do when you are asleep. The planets are the bodies in the heavens which articulate the forces, or express the system of energy of which the universe is composed. The planets in your chart represent your distribution of this energy, or show what part of it you have made your own. By working from the planets you have a key to an individual's very livingness, and thus are able to help him much more than merely telling him that he has an open personality, a long body and a closed pocketbook.
I am giving you tonight an order for reading the chart that is convenient. I suppose it is my convenience. If you don't like the particular order, I suggest you change it. The most successful pupil I have, after studying this order for awhile, said, "I think it works much better if you put it around this way." For her it does. I am sure that many in the audience, after studying the order as I give it, will find many other even better arrangements. We never get anywhere imitating or aping each other.
The chart I am using is that of President Theodore Roosevelt. George MacCormack, one of the founders of the Guild, obtained the data rather directly from the Roosevelt family, and has done a lot of work upon it, so that we can be rather sure of the data. It sometimes is a little better to use, as an example case, someone who is not so close to us as we view him through our prejudices of the moment. Teddy Roosevelt's place in history is fairly secure. Those who want to be mad at a Roosevelt have another one nearer at hand, and those who want to worship a Republican have a Wilkie. Teddy, however, is close enough so that we all know his life and character well enough to appreciate his chart.

No. 1
I begin with the planet Mars because it is the planet that has most to do with simple activity. Mars is the planet that is closest to the earth outside of the earth. It represents the place in life where you throw off energy, fly off the handle and move the hardest to get things done. Because Mars is in the first house here in Teddy Roosevelt's chart, therefore it calls for unusual energy, which certainly describes the native. Now let's get a technique down for this proposition of reading from the planets. Look at each planet by sign, by house and then, in order to have a little color for the interpretation, by the symbolical degree.
The justification for a use of these symbolical degrees is that they work. Here is something that baffles people. I remember the story in the Bible of the boy who was cured of blindness. The learned people came to him and said it was impossible. It just didn't happen. The "medical books" said it couldn't be done that way. This, of course, is my own version of the story! The young man in the Bible narrative, who was a simple sort of fellow, remarked: "What you say is very interesting. You are learned gentlemen. I am convinced you are very clever, and know much more than I do. However, all I know is that once I was blind, and now I see." We won't go into a discussion of the symbolical degrees, but content ourselves with the fact that they are something that works.
Here we have Mars in Capricorn, or in the sign of critical discrimination. With my Mercury in Scorpio, I will be giving you many nicknames tonight, and I would suggest that you make your own when mine do not click. I have made them for myself in order to save time and effort and I find them a great help. To me Capricorn is the sign of "critical discrimination," well illustrated by Teddy's campaign against the "nature fakers." Mars is also in the house of personality, on a degree that is symbolized rather curiously as a degree of splendor. The Sabian degree (Capricorn 18) reads: "From the proud new warship of Britannia, a token of her maritime power, flies the Union Jack in calm dignity." (1) Remember that T.R. made the United States a first-class power, and that he did it with the Navy. Thus the symbol puts the case exactly. What is the idea of a warship? A warship represents compact strength. A warship is attack, and not defense. A warship has dignity and this man, with his personality, with his critical discrimination, was a man who, in everything he did, said: "We have to find a way to make this stand out, to make this dignified." For himself, he went out West and he became a cowboy, a good one. Not the kind they have on dude ranches. When he was a sickly, scrawny youngster with squinty eyes, he was yet determined to be well, and he made himself over. He became a real "rough rider." All this is shown when you get the house, the sign and the degree of Mars. Thus you have the first salient point in this life.
No. 2
The next point is the Part of Fortune, or the general focus of existence. Pars Fortuna gives the necessary emphasis of the life, fundamentally and biologically. While Mars gives the basic direction, the Part of Fortune places the necessary emphasis on the life. As the moon moves away from the sun, the sun applies to the moon by an increasing distance which is an added breadth from the horizon, actually giving you a new horizon. Here is your special horizon of success and it will give a significant insight into the potentials of accomplishment through the sign, house and symbolical degree where it is found.
The Part of Fortune, a projection of the will's focus, in this chart, is in the eighth house — in Virgo. My nickname for Virgo is assimilation. Virgo has the particular and peculiar gift of putting things where they are useful. The eighth house is the place of regeneration. The 18th degree of Virgo is one of sharpness. The Sabian symbol (Virgo 18) reads: "Two giggling young girls are sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working a Ouija board on their laps,"(2) which is an indication of the possible conscious touch between realms visible and invisible. Here is very significant light upon the character of Theodore Roosevelt. He was particularly sensitive to the things under the surface, or the future effect of present causes. He started out to assimilate everything under the sun, by a self-regeneration in a series of tete-a-tetes with life. Almost anybody could visit the White House and find him willing to talk about the visitor's particular interest. Roosevelt was a literary critic and read everything. He tried to be well informed on almost every subject. The eighth house is where you live according to the ideas that other people have of you; where you try to make yourself what you want to be, or what you want people to think you are. Here is a perfect explanation of Teddy Roosevelt in his general temperament, all learned astrologically with only two out of the fifteen points.
No. 3
The next department of interpretation covers two points, the will and the power to do things. Primarily this means the way you act; why you move in a certain direction, or are inclined to a certain type of interest in your life. You see, the next thing I want to know from the chart is, can the person do it? How far can he carry out what he sees and wishes? The sun represents the will. Here we find the sun in the ninth house, in Scorpio, on a degree symbolizing the radiation of light. The symbolical degree (Scorpio 4) reads: "In an old fashioned 'candle lighting service' a youth gains for the first time a sense of the great 'other world.'"(3) This is a symbol of the light which it is the privilege of each soul to carry into life, the illumination that man can give to his fellow man. Scorpio is the sign of "creative ability." It is a secretive sign, here associated with the mental house or the higher mind — the ninth house. Roosevelt's will gets its strength from his capacity to carry a torch, to kindle light, to create understanding. T.R. had the magnificent ability to stand in the limelight and to pass his enthusiasm on to others. The only time he began to be a light "quencher" was when he tried to set up a substitute light-bearer, and tell him what to do. Teddy was beloved. There were many people who did not like his "trust-busting," but he transmitted a flame — the power of the will — on the mental level of the ninth house with Scorpio's creative resources.
No. 4
The North Node or Dragon's Head is the next point. These moon's nodes represent the lunar equinoxes. The orbit of the earth is made into the zodiac by the point at which the earth's celestial equator crosses it. Where the moon's orbit crosses the earth's orbit you get another "zodiac." Sometimes its divisions are used. They are called the "moon's mansions." The ascending or North Node is always important in the horoscope because it represents the power to do things outwardly in life. Thus when the sun comes up seasonally, you get spring. When the moon comes up, you have spring also, but it is an emotional spring. The moon each month gives the rhythm of this, from node to node. The Dragon's Head represents the rising insight of the personal, psychic or soul ability. The key to the secret of a person's soul is the moon's node because this point of the "rising of the soul" is your power to do things, outwardly, through your capacity for BEING YOURSELF. You do not have to apologize for being what you are. The more you compromise with this life the less use life has for you. As you are uncompromising, in remaining what you are, you can "go to town." The evil man is more prosperous than the good one because he has to work harder, and because he keeps his eye on his business to a greater extent. The Dragon's Head in your chart shows that point where you can best reveal what you are in the real depth of yourself.
The North Node in Theodore Roosevelt's chart is in the sign of poetic appreciation — Pisces. Pisces sees people universally. Sometimes this means it is rather sloppy, but often it is very delicate and lovely. T.R. loved people. Some of this was simulated, but the man was honest, and he was untiring in his personal activities with others. The node was also in the house of resources, which shows this temperament inexhaustibility, on a degree of incitation. The symbolical degree (Pisces 6) reads: "All the traditional dignity of West Point is seen in the parade of the officers-in-the-making, under the setting sun."(4) This dramatizes the exaltation of life's values, in a response given to tradition, but where liberty is protected; the call of the heart to joyous duty. It shows the power that Roosevelt had for doing everything with dignity, for seeing everything "on parade." Thus he is the one man who did more than any other who ever lived to conserve the natural resources of America.
No. 5
The mental condition and what it is in connection with the man is definitely indicated by the moon's mean motion and the position of Mercury in reference to the sun. If you look at your ephemeris for October 27, 1858, you will find that the moon is moving at the rate of 14° 18'. The average daily motion of the moon is 13° 10'. This means that in Teddy's case the moon is fast. Mercury is considered whether situated clockwise from the sun, in which case it rises ahead of it, or counter-clockwise, in which case it rises behind. In Roosevelt's case Mercury is ahead of the sun in this sense. A normal "mental chemistry" is when the moon is slow and Mercury rises ahead of the sun, or vice-versa. The two other possible combinations are abnormal and involve a special adjustment on the part of the native if he is to meet life successfully. The combination of a slow moon with Mercury rising behind the sun is the most difficult because it generally leads to maladjustment, unless the individual is fortunate enough to cultivate some talent, special skill, or flash of genius which enables him to compel others to meet him mind-to-mind on his own terms.
Theodore Roosevelt had the other abnormal situation which, at its worst is well represented by the young lady who explained that she "got all her exercise by jumping at conclusions." Roosevelt himself was always stumbling over his own toes, with a mind six leaps ahead of itself. Fortunately for American history, he made use of this type of mentality rather than allowing it to defeat him. If the moon is swift by daily motion the faculties of the perception are quick rather than certain and if Mercury rises ahead of the sun the mind is eager rather than deliberate.
What I am trying to emphasize tonight is that it is unfair to describe a person who does not fit into the analyst's particular way of doing things as being lacking in something. He is not necessarily unintelligent. And here I will say something that I have always believed. You will probably not agree with me, but to my way of thinking, everyone is basically intelligent and intelligence is the functioning of self as it is shown by Mercury. Thus when I have to teach a mixed group of students, I have to go slower than when I can talk to one at a time and adjust to the pattern of a single mind. Any success I have in teaching is based upon my immense respect for the intelligence of the other person. People have handicaps, but they can as easily be assets. Intelligence is simply the functioning of the projective self which Mercury reveals.
Teddy Roosevelt's Mercury is in the house of the higher mind, in the creative-ability sign of Scorpio, in a degree of alliance. The Sabian symbol (Scorpio 3) reads: "At a clearing of pioneer days in the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy house-raising."(5) This symbolizes the accentuation of the more constructive factors in human society, the desire of men at heart to share all experience. In an earlier period houses were not built as they are today. People lived far apart. But a man would get everything ready, and then the neighbors would come from far and near, and the house would go up before night. Here we have the spirit of the creative Scorpio as well as the genius of the ninth house represented by T.R.'s tremendous versatility. He had a wonderful way of meeting people from the cowboy or soldier to the scientist or philosopher of his day, and he did it without any trouble at all. He had an exceptional memory for names and faces, and was always ready to let people know he was glad to see them. Even in the middle of a talk before a large audience he might suddenly spy a friend up in the gallery, and call out with a wave of his hand.
No. 6
The vocation is the next item in the fifteen-point analysis. This is primarily a matter of the planet of "oriental appearance." What happens now is that one of the planets is taken in this connection as the sixth point in the analysis, while it appears elsewhere, in another connection and with another meaning. The fifteen points of the analysis consists of the ten planets in their simple designation, two nodes of the moon, the Part of Fortune and then two special considerations when a planet or planets take on an extra role, now in connection with vocation and later in connection with marriage. The ancients regarded that one of four planets nearest to the sun clockwise from the sun as the special representative of the will or the vocation taken as the specialized activity of will in life. These four planets are the ones with orbits adjacent to the orbit of the earth, or to the earth itself, or to anybody moving in place of the earth; namely, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the moon. In Teddy's case this is Mercury, which means that he has the most common indicator or the "norm," and that he can do anything at all which involves the impersonal moving or communicating of things in general.
The next most important indication is given by the tenth house, which in Roosevelt's case emphasizes the creative sign Scorpio. Since the lord of the tenth, or Mars, is in the first house, his business or professional affairs are entirely in his own hands. The absence of any planets in the tenth house shows that there is no complication here. A third necessary consideration is the place of the moon, representing the native's touch with the public, and since the lesser light is in Roosevelt's house of opportunity, his great professional freedom for shaping his own career has a further testimony.
Most revealing of all is the "dynamic focus of personality." The theory is this: you are successful in life not on the basis of what comes to you easily but because of what is hard enough to make you work for it. A man in Oakland heard me explain this, and said: "I don't believe it. I am going to test you." I answered: "Fine." I like that. I like people to have their own ideas and stick to them; who change them only after careful thought and study. When I saw the man later he reported, "I checked that theory of yours in fifty charts of people well known to me, and it worked every time!" This pattern of success is indicated by the closest square or opposition in the chart, giving a vocational clue to the point of highest strain or tightest stress in the individuality. In Roosevelt's chart this is the square between Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune came into man's experience with the social revolution of 1848, since it was discovered in 1848, and this means that Roosevelt's most successful concern would be with those elements in sympathy which in a sense are new, beginning with the new industrial philosophy or psychology. In America the struggle was dramatized by William Jennings Bryan but Roosevelt actually gave voice to the great American transition, and with his "big stick" was the real champion of the new political ethics. The fact that the aspect here is a square rather than an opposition indicates a success based upon practical rather than theoretical conditions. Because Jupiter is the other planet concerned, Roosevelt's career was an expression of his own stirrings of soul. Because these two planets belong to diverse departments, his success was dependent on his own personal originality or his disinclination to fit into any ready-made groove.
No. 7
We go from the mental condition to the emotional life and marriage, or to the moon, and the planet or planets that indicate marriage, respectively. The moon is brought down this far in the consideration because it is important to interpret the moon with a great deal of color. Our emotions are intimate and specific. You may say: "I love humanity," but nobody can be a servant of all the world unless he is in love with what he himself is doing. T.R. well understood this because he put the whole of himself in everything he did and indeed was often accused of a very considerable self-love which, of course, is constructive when the individual has a real sense of social responsibility. Roosevelt's moon is in the sign of growth (Cancer) and in the house of opportunity (seventh) in a degree of determination. The symbol (Cancer 13) reads: "A hand held out receptively is remarkable for the suggestion in its prominent thumb."(6) This dramatizes an essentially practical approach to life, a freedom from all impeding illusions and notions. The thumb is what gets in the way of things, and it makes us all think of the "hitch-hikers." Roosevelt never lost an opportunity to put his thumb up, and he rode on every possible vehicle of life.
No. 8
In a man's chart the moon is the marriage significator, and marriage is indicated by the planets to which the moon applies before it leaves the sign in which it is found at birth. In T.R.'s chart the moon applies to an opposition of Mars, showing marriage to the first Mrs. Roosevelt, the mother of Alice. Alice seems to have fulfilled many of her father's great desires for outstanding initiative. The next application is to Neptune, which usually represents a career rather than a woman, and suggesting that the second marriage was entirely subordinated to the career as everything.
No. 9
Karma is what you carry around with you as an excuse for being. Good karma places nothing in your way, and bad karma makes you work, therefore, bad karma is good, if it makes you put forth effort. Jupiter is the planet of karma, the planet of your soul or your conscious conception of your inner self. In this chart we find Jupiter (expansion) in the house of adjustment (sixth) in the sign of vivification or giving life to something (Gemini), on a degree of assembly. The symbol (Gemini 22) reads: "An old-fashioned 'harvest home' festival is at its height, with flashing dancing couples crowding the dance floor."(7) Here is a symbol of the richness of life, as this is found, after all, in human association. It is realization of the warmth of labor and of simple living. We must not despise a man because he is symbolized by conviviality. It has been pointed out that Jesus never refused an invitation to a party. Teddy liked parties in this sense. The idea of harvest, or "bringing in the sheaves," is giving life to ideas, and carrying them out to benefit others, rather than merely doing something for self.
No. 10
The point of forward opportunity is shown by the South Node of the moon (the Dragon's Tail). Usually the most unsuccessful people are the ones who are successful; that is, one man is just successful enough to keep ahead of this creditors, to pay his taxes and to muddle along somehow, while on the other hand a man owning a drug store, and then losing it, starts over again because he fails. His friends help him, and he goes about it more intelligently; he profits by previous experience, he gets into something he can do well, and he succeeds. People who make a large success in life are usually those who have climbed up after one or perhaps many failures. The South Node says to you: "Do you really want this and are you really willing to pay the price for it?"
In T.R.'s chart the South Node is in the sign of Virgo, the sign of assimilation; in the house of regeneration; and on a degree of verification. The symbol (Virgo 6) reads: "Children's voices and the smiles of elders; it is a merry-go-round, with blatant music and unrestrained joyousness."(8) Here is the intensification of all elements of life and being by civilization; the elevation of pleasure to a transmuting force; or assimilation in a carnival spirit. Theodore Roosevelt assimilated everything because he had the vital gift for throwing himself whole-heartedly into all his activities. Here is an example of the "Jack-of-all-trades" who is successful because he is willing and able to work a little harder at each of the trades. His chart is the splash type — the planets are scattered pretty well all over the map — but he made an amazing success of his life through his boundless energy and great determination.
No. 11
The next department of two points is the health and the physical being. Saturn is the planet of health because it is the point of sensitiveness. Here it is in the sign of the sun or assurance (Leo), in the house of opportunity (seventh) on a degree of reflection. The symbol (Leo 12) reads: "A garden party, with lanterns, music from a string ensemble and an animated interweaving of colorful figures,"(9) showing the easy intercourse of human souls when they are content to relax between moments of greater effort. One great secret of Teddy's success was his sensitiveness to opportunities in every direction. The sun is hyleg in this chart, and despite a bad start, when he became interested he had no trouble developing the sound kind of body he wanted.
No. 12
Neptune is the planet of physical being, or general obligation to life. It is here in the house of resources (second) in the sign of poetical appreciation (Pisces), on a degree of phenomena (Pisces 23), symbolized by a spiritist medium.(10) This is a symbol of the prophetic power of the human organism, as it gives tangible evidence of the superior-to-physical nature of man. This man, again, was keenly aware of the inner import of whatever went on around and about him. Because he was fundamentally appreciative of the worth and value of everything he touched, he was able to have more influence on his own generation than any other man in America's public life.
The inexorable movement of the clock tonight makes it necessary for me to get briefer and briefer, but the general idea of the fifteen-point reading ought to be clear and it ought to be sufficient to give just a sketchy interpretation of the three remaining points.
No. 13
Venus is money, or how you finish things, and how you know when you are finished. Money is one symbol of that end or finishing. Esthetic things and art, and values are another aspect of the finished side of life. Here Venus is in the sign of administration (Sagittarius), in the house of hopes and wishes (eleventh), on a degree of discretion. The symbol (Sagittarius 18) reads: "Little children are playing upon the sultry beach, but each is protected from the glare by a tiny sunbonnet."(11) Here is a dramatization of the free latitude given every soul to manage its own manifestation; or the equipment of all life with its own power of protection. Teddy's end idea was always a better administration and vision of life as it leads to a finer self-realization. This was at the root of his conscious social doctrine.
No. 14
Uranus is the planet of recreation and of independence. It is in the house of self-expression (fifth) in the sign of vivification (Gemini), on a degree of import. The symbolical degree (Gemini 3) reads: "An etching of rare beauty displays a charming vista of court life at the garden of the Tuileries, under Louis XIV."(12) This is a symbol of the genuine aristocracy of human kind, the effort to exercise gracefully and exquisitely the full capabilities of individual being. Teddy continually recreated himself, and he did it independently. Here we have the unquenchable urge to "absolute self-perfection," as the great self-renewing dynamic in a great career.
No. 15
Pluto shows the basic philosophy of life. Here the planet is in the sign of physical energy (Taurus), in the house of the home and end of life (fourth), on a degree (Taurus 7) of "awakening." Out of the past comes the "woman of Samaria" to draw water from Jacob's well.(13) Thus the past looks back into its own past; gaining an exceedingly valuable perspective upon experience. T.R. had to learn to rule himself. He had to "overcome" his own over-enthusiasm, and his great temptation to scatter his energy all over the place. Because Pluto rests securely in the monumental fourth house, and in the sensitive, fixed and earthy sign Taurus, he had to develop a stability in spite of himself. And thus Pluto is exceptionally significant. Since this planet was not discovered until ten years after his death, it cannot fairly be said to have had much influence in his own life and career. To himself, at the end, he remained scattered. He died almost as much a disappointed and disillusioned man as did his principal opponent, Woodrow Wilson, after him. But with the new turn in world affairs, beginning with the great depression and chartered by this new planet in particular, the living and surviving Theodore Roosevelt gains an eternal integration because of the extraordinary value of his pioneer work to the America he loved, in these days of America's great and tragic trial.
1. Capricorn 18 – "The Union Jack" Return
2. Virgo 18 – "An ouija board" Return
3. Scorpio 4 – "A youth holding a lighted candle" Return
4. Pisces 6 – "Officers on dress parade" Return
5. Scorpio 3 – "A house-raising" Return
6. Cancer 13 – "One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb" Return
7. Gemini 22 – "A barn dance" Return
8. Virgo 6 – "A merry-go-round" Return
9. Leo 12 – "An evening lawn party" Return
10. Pisces 23 – "Spiritist phenomena" Return
11. Sagittarius 18 – "Tiny children in sunbonnets" Return
12. Gemini 3 – "The garden of the Tuileries" Return
13. Taurus 7 – "A woman of Samaria" Return